Andrita Geeroms


“The best part of the training is the feeling I am learning the real thing.”

1. Why did you decide to join the online lessons?

Since childhood I practiced several martial arts with many Senseis but when I saw Seki Sensei and Asayama Ichidenryu I knew without a doubt this is what I am going to study for the rest of my days. 

The classes are of excellent quality in every way – the camera settings with different angles, the follow up, the explanations, the teaching style, the amount of profound knowledge and experience, the individual instructions and feedback one can get, the demonstrations and repetitions, the list of katas and techniques with links provided, the translations –  the beautiful setting, and all this delivered with clarity, expertise, precision and a wonderful sense of humor! I am very grateful to have the chance be a student in this school!!

2. What changed before and after you joined?

After I joined the classes I begin to  appreciate how many details are in every movement – I made a list of bullet points of what to study when drawing the sword. There are already 5 pages and no end in is very inspiring! Before that I was just trying to copy Katas I have seen and make it look the same. I had no deeper understanding or instructions of the reasoning behind the movements.

3. What is the best part about joining the training/community?

The best part of the training is the feeling I am learning the real thing from a truly accomplished and trustworthy Sensei. And the video archive allows me to look back and recall the entire class.

4. What future goals would you like to achieve through the training?

My goal is to cultivate clarity of mind and spirit, cut attachments, to master the techniques and improve my physical and emotional well being. At the end of my life I want to be able to die with inner peace and clarity. I think working with the sword will help very much. I also like to work with many different weapons as possible – this is for the fun of it and because I love it! 

Katana (Sunday)
Training Duration
Since February 2024