Jeffrey Cuevas


“Meeting new people everywhere with the same goals.”

1. Why did you decide to join the online lessons?

 Learning about Asayama Ichiden Ryu, It opened my eyes to his  experience, knowledge and skills.  The kobudo principles behind it was amazing.

2. What changed before and after you joined?

It has changed my skills completely on handling a katana.  My knowledge of handling the katana and the kobudo principles has been widely improved.

3. What is the best part about joining?

Meeting new people everywhere with the same goals.

4. What future goals would you like to achieve through the training?

To increase my knowledge behind the principles of kobudo thru Asayama Ichiden Ryu, and share this knowledge to others. Of course like everyone else, to be as proficient and skillful as Seki Sensei with humility.

Katana (Sunday)
Training Duration
Since April 2024