Asayama Ichiden Ryu

Learning the Legacy of 400 Years

Asayama Ichiden Ryu is an ancient Japanese Budo martial art style with 400 years of history.
It strongly reflects the art of Kenjutsu when samurai fought in armor.

About the Ryuha Style

Asayama Ichiden Ryu is a comprehensive martial art with Kenjutsu, Iai (katana drawing), sickle, staff, and many other weapons. It teaches so many weapons, that there are more than 200 kata (fixed exercises) that the students must study. There are also many other techniques that have been passed down orally, and even the sensei doesn't know how many there are in total because there are just too many. Asayama Ichiden Ryu is considered one of the few Kobudo: ancient budo martial arts that exist today because it was born before the Edo period when samurai still existed. Budo ryuha, born after the end of the Edo period (1603~1868), or in other words after Japan’s Westernization, is considered Gendai-budo: modern budo martial arts.

About Seki Sensei

Seki Sensei started training Kendo when he was 3, Iaido when he was 9, and Jōdō when he was 23. Both his parents were martial artists, and the main dojo he owns now was originally where his father taught Budo. He has won three national championships in Iaido and two in Jōdō. He entered Asayama Ichidenryu when he was 23 years old. The 21st Soke of Asayama Ichidenryu was a friend of Seki Sensei's Jōdō sensei, and Seki Sensei met the Ryuha through a Kenjutsu seminar held at this Jōdō dojo. After more than 20 years of rigorous training, he was chosen as the 22nd headmaster.

We Hold Online Lessons Like No Other

Get Dan Ranks to Prove Your Progress

We hold Shōdan (Dan promotion) exams two times a year for our students. Dan ranks range from 1-dan to 5-dan, and the requirements for each test are different. Those who pass the dan examination are authorized to write their dan rank next to their name in the online lessons and receive a Shōdan certificate. People with a rank of 3-Dan or higher can open a club after attending the training camp held in Japan annually once. People with 5-Dan and have attended the training camp held in Japan annually three or more times can open a dojo.

Annual Training Camps in Japan

We will do our best to teach you as many skills as possible through the online lessons. We will try to teach you as much as possible through our online lessons. However, there are some things that we can't convey without meeting in person. That is why we hold an annual training camp in Japan. This is an extremely valuable opportunity to receive face-to-face instruction from Seki Sensei. How about touring Japan while you are there? Those who are 3-dan or above and have participated in the training camp held in Japan at least once will have the right to open a club. Those who are 5-dan or above and have participated in the training camp held in Japan 3 or more times will receive the right to open a dojo. While a club cannot receive money for training from its members, a dojo can.