“I find I am a better person for having begun walking this path.”

1. Why did you decide to join the online lessons?

Between the long history of these techniques and the expert instruction provided by Seki Sensei, I knew I needed to take full advantage of this opportunity to learn. I have since fallen in love with Asayama Ichiden Kai and I am proud a student of this style. 

2. What changed before and after you joined?

I find that the way I perceive my body within any given space has changed. Beyond that, I have received cultural exposures that I will treasure for my lifetime thanks to Asayama Ichiden Kai. I find I am a better person for having begun walking this path. 

3. What is the best part about joining the training/community?

The people within the community are wildly diverse, representing numerous nations around the planet. Everyone have only ever been accepting and supportive of me in my Budo journey. I love this community dearly. 

4. What future goals would you like to achieve through the training?

My ultimate goal is to learn as much as I can from Seki Sensei so that he might one day approve me to open a branch dojo. I wish to pass on Seki Sensei’s teachings to whomever is open to receive them. ”

Katana (Sat)
Dan Rank
2nd Dan
Training Duration
Since August 2023