Musō Shinden Ryu

Join a Dojo from Anywhere Worldwide

One of the most popular styles that have trainees worldwide.
You will also learn the techniques of Japan’s biggest martial art organization, the All Japan Kendo Federation Iai.

About the Ryuha Style

Musō Shiden Ryu is a Ryuha that is believed to have derived from the techniques created by the father of Iai, Hayashizaki Jinsuke. As it evolved through the Edo period and was completed by Nakayama Hakudo during the Taishō era, it became the basis of modern Iaido together with Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu. However, an important point you must remember about Muso Shiden Ryu is that there are many different branches. Depending on the age of Nakayama Hakudo, what the students were taught was slightly different. So Muso Shiden Ryu used to be many different Ryuha such as Omori Ryu, Hasegawa Eishin Ryu, Musō Ryu, etc., but it was finally unified to Musō Shiden Ryu during the Showa era. In our online lessons you will be learning the version that Seki Sensei has been taught from his father, whom the student of the founder of the Ryuha taught.

About Seki Sensei

Seki Sensei started training Kendo when he was 3, Iaido (Musō Shinden Ryu) when he was 9, and Jōdō when he was 23. Both his parents were martial artists, and the main dojo he owns now was originally where his father taught Budo. He has won three national championships in Iaido and two in Jōdō. He has now been training in Musō Shinden Ryu for more than 40 years now, and has 8th Dan (top rank) Kyōshi in Iaido.

We Hold Online Lessons Like No Other

Get Dan Ranks to Prove Your Progress

By taking our Musō Shinden Ryu online lessons, you can participate in the Shōdan (Dan promotion) exams held by ZNKR (Zen Nippon Kendo Renmei), Japan’s biggest Budo martial arts organization, officially as Seki Sensei’s student. Dan ranks range from 1-dan to 8-dan, and the requirements for each test are different. Those who pass the dan examination are authorized to write their dan rank next to their name in the online lessons and receive a Shōdan certificate.

Annual Training Camps in Japan

We will do our best to teach you as many skills as possible through the online lessons. We will try to teach you as much as possible through our online lessons. However, there are some things that we can't convey without meeting in person. That is why we hold an annual training camp in Japan. This is an extremely valuable opportunity to receive face-to-face instruction from Seki Sensei. How about touring Japan while you are there?