[NEW VIDEO] Mūso Shinden Ryu Kata | Yokogumo, Toraissoku, Inazuma

Hello everyone. Thank you for reading this article. I’m Shogo from Let’s ask Shogo, the interpreter of the online lessons and owner of this website.

1. What is This Video About?

This is a video series where Seki Sensei, an 8th Dan Iaido master with 42 years of experience in Musō Shinden Ryu, introduces the wonderful techniques that are trained in this Ryuha style. In this video, he demonstrated and explained about 3 Chūden Kata, Yokogumo, Toraissoku, and Inazuma.

2. Why Should You Absolutely Watch it?

He not only demonstrates the Kata, but also explains what’s happening in the assumed situation of each Kata in detail. This is information very difficult to get even if you are actually training in Iaido. He also points out the typical mistakes that beginners tend to make, so if you’re an Iaido trainee it’s a must watch because contains a lot of information that can be used as a reference. If you’re interested in learning more please check out our “Musō Shinden Ryu” page and join the online community.

3. What are Some Points NOT Discussed in the Video But Shared Here?

Seki Sensei is warning against the trend in the Iaido world to just do bigger and bigger techniques. It is true that many tournaments and dan promotion examinations are held in large venues, so it is understandable that people want to stand out by making their moves bigger. However, making the movements bigger without regard to the meaning of the technique means that the technique is not valid, which means that the training becomes meaningless. A Kata being greater means the whole technique, not just doing everything bigger without thinking about it.


    • ジョシュ – Josh
    • 2023.11.22 3:40pm

    This is such an interesting issue that the school is addressing. As an American, I don’t know the full details of implications of these issues, but things grow and change, and some things get lost along the way – and for Iaido, who better to know which things to hold in onto and not change than Seki-sensei?

    I’m very happy to see tradition upheld alongside modernization, as modern things can feel a little meaningless at times. A guide to help teach us more meaningful things and remember the truth behind the movements sounds exactly like what is needed!

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