🗡️We Have Started the CHUDEN Kata in the Musō Shinden Ryu Online Lessons🗡️

※Join the Muso Shinden Ryu/ZNKR Seitei IaI Online Lessons: https://www.patreon.com/sekisenseiiaidotraining

Thank you very much for always supporting us. We are happy to announce that we have finally started training the Chūden Kata in our Musō Shinden Ryu online lessons. 

This online lesson started last September 2023. However, all this time, we have concentrated on Shoden or ZNKR Seitei Iai, intending to improve basic skills. However, as the level of our students has improved considerably, we have finally decided to challenge them with the Chūden Kata. 

(Depending on the Ryuha style the definition will vary, but generally 初伝 Shoden, 中伝 Chūden, 奥伝 Okuden, etc. represents the level of the Kata.)

But this doesn’t mean we will immediately start doing all of them. We will first focus on the first three, Yokogumo, Inazuma, and Toraissoku. We’ve made a video before introducing these three Kata, so please check it out to see what we’re working on.

※Join the Muso Shinden Ryu/ZNKR Seitei IaI Online Lessons: https://www.patreon.com/sekisenseiiaidotraining

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